Status Indicators

SiteSucker shows the current status of the download in the lower section of the SiteSucker window. SiteSucker includes the following status indicators:


This is an indication of how many levels deep the download has progressed. Levels refer to the number of link levels completed relative to the initial link. The URL link that you enter into the SiteSucker window is on level 1. If that page had 10 webpage links (URLs), those links would be on level 2. If each of those 10 webpages contained 15 links, then those 150 links would be on level 3, and so on. This indicator shows which level SiteSucker is currently downloading.

Files Downloaded

This is the number of files that have been downloaded. This does not include robots.txt (and robots.ssl.txt) files.

Files Remaining

This is the number of files that remain to be downloaded. Every webpage or stylesheet that’s downloaded is scanned for links. Any new links that are found are added to the counter. Note that the counter can decrease and then increase again after each new file is scanned. In addition, some links may be skipped because the page has already been downloaded or shouldn’t be downloaded according to the settings. Unfortunately, this means that sometimes it is very difficult to predict when the download will be completed. This indicator merely provides a rough estimate of progress.


This is the number of errors that have occurred during the download. If the Log Errors option is turned on in the Log settings, SiteSucker will write the errors to the log file in the destination folder.


While downloading, status messages are displayed in the SiteSucker window. Here, SiteSucker lets you know which files are being downloaded, analyzed, delayed, etc. Long status messages are truncated in the status area, but you can resize the window to see more of the message.

When delaying, SiteSucker adds the following modifiers to the “Delaying” status string to indicate the source of the delay:

Modifier Source of Delay
The Delay setting in the Request settings
The Save Delay setting in the Webpage settings
The Crawl-delay directive in robots.txt
The Too Many Requests (429) error
The Bad Gateway (502) error
The delay message handler used in the JavaScript setting in the Webpage settings

Skip Buttons

You can click a Skip button (X) in the status area of the SiteSucker window to skip downloading an individual file.