File Sharing

SiteSucker now allows you to transfer downloaded sites between your Macintosh and your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch using iTunes File Sharing. Before you can transfer a downloaded site, you need to pack it into a download package.

To transfer sites from your Macintosh to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch:

  1. Launch SiteSucker on your Mac and choose "Pack Downloads..." from the File menu.
  2. Select the top level folders of sites that you want to transfer. They should have names like or
  3. Click the Pack button. Each site will be packed into a download package with a dlpkg file extension.
  4. Connect your iPod, iPhone, or iPad to your computer and select your device in iTunes.
  5. Below File Sharing, select SiteSucker from the list, and click Add.
  6. In the window that appears, select the download packages to transfer, and click Choose. The files are transferred to your device.
  7. Disconnect your device from your computer.
  8. On your device, launch SiteSucker and select the Downloads screen.
  9. Tap the Edit button and then tap the Import button in the toolbar that appears at the bottom of the screen.
  10. The transferred sites are unpacked and displayed in the list of Downloads.

Note: SiteSucker will not replace any sites that are already in the list. If you want to replace an existing site with a transferred site, delete the existing site first.

To transfer sites from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch to your Macintosh:

  1. On your device, launch SiteSucker and select the Downloads screen.
  2. Tap the Edit button and then tap the Export button in the toolbar that appears at the bottom of the screen.
  3. The sites are packed and removed from the list of Downloads.
  4. Connect your iPod touch, iPhone, or iPad to your computer.
  5. In iTunes, select your device, and click the Apps button.
  6. Below File Sharing, from the list on the left, select SiteSucker.
  7. From the list on the right, select the download packages you want to transfer, and click “Save to.”
  8. In the window that appears, select the destination where you want to save the files, and click Choose.
  9. The files are saved to the selected destination on your computer.
  10. Disconnect your device from your computer.
  11. Launch SiteSucker on your Mac and choose "Unpack Downloads..." from the File menu.
  12. In the window that appears, select the download packages that you transferred and click the Unpack button.
  13. The transferred sites are unpacked and appear as folders in the Finder.

Note: SiteSucker will not replace any folders that already exist. If you want to replace an existing site with a transferred site, delete the existing site first.